it all begins with an idea

I’m not much of a writer, but on the off chance this is entertaining or cogent, I thought I’d give it a whirl. there’s 3 of us that are behind this venture, here’s my side of keybridg’s inception story:

I was just coming off a non-start small business venture due to an issue with a supplier I’d been working with creating a simple computer accessory. as I was lamenting my frustration to my friend tyler, he mentioned that he and another friend dylan, had been working on a keyboard bridge but hadn’t brought it to market. we set up a meeting and went over what it would take to actually make a viable product, and got to work. keybridg was born shortly thereafter. we weren’t the first ones to come up with the idea - (search “sonshi style” online), but the available options were extremely expensive acrylic versions. dylan and tyler had already made some acrylic prototypes themselves but weren’t the largest of fans of the material, so we started prototyping aluminum. a few iterations later, v3.1 was born. It may look simple, but a lot of time and thought went into the design. rounded edges, bead-blasted aluminum finish, and rubber feet that are inset in a way that won’t rip off when going in and out of your bag.

we all are in agreement that if you’re going to do something, do it right. sure, we can make an inferior, product for less, but why? you can get subtier acrylic versions on amazon, and if that’s for you, go for it. we’re here to hold ourselves to a higher standard, no matter what product we end up putting on the market. detail matters…do you want your $300 keyboard sitting on a piece of plastic?

thanks for reading. hope you’ll be a part of our journey.
