your life upgrade is here.

your life upgrade is here.

that’s pretty much it

also known as a keyboard riser, the idea is really simple:
replace your laptop keyboard with the one you probably spent a lot of money on.


does it block the screen?

unless you’re using a brick, no. you might be surprised to see that for most keyboards visibility really isn’t an issue.

why aluminum?

miles better than some flimsy, cheap-feeling acrylic that you need to peel off annoying backing & adhere feet to (that inevitably fall off). our custom, cornered feet are recessed so that they can slide in and out of your bag without worry of them coming off.

does it flex?

another problem with acrylic, but not for us. the beautiful, bead-blasted aluminum is firm - accidental key presses aren’t a worry.

does it only work with Apple computers?

certainly not! it works with many other computers. we’ve included dimensions below to help determine if it will work for your computer.

what size keyboards does it support?

virtually any, believe it or not. the limit is not width, it’s depth. in theory you could use an IBM model M and it would work, you’d just lose some access to the trackpad.

it all started with an idea.